ConceptArchitectural Design
About the Fujiyama Museum
As the 75th foundation anniversary for Fujikyuko Co., Ltd., Fujiyama Museum, constructed together with the Horiuchi Koankai Foundation and completed in July 2003, will display a collection of Mt. Fuji paintings collected by both foundations over 40 years.

Mt. Fuji has been the subject of many artists' works since ancient times. With examples such as Mt. Fuji mountain worship and literature works such as "Tale of Ise" (Ise Monogatari in Japanese), the lone towering, severe yet graceful silhouette and the expression rich with subtle changes has definitely stimulated the creative spark of artists in all ages.

From such works, Fujiyama Museum made a collection of masterpieces striving to capture Mt. Fuji from the original perspective of modern and contemporary artists. A variety of angles on Mt. Fuji looking through the artists' eyes will be on display.
Through art work displays and educational activities, we strive to communicate the rich natural beauty of Mt. Fuji as Japan's natural asset and deliver the message to a world that must continue to protect that asset. We would be honored if many people who love Mt. Fuji gather and extend their friendship to the Fujiyama Museum as a place that offers intimate experiences with nature and art.